Sunday, May 8, 2011

Thor Debut

We saw Thor this weekend. The theater lines were insane and after watching, I understood why! This was an incredible and trendy look into the lure of Thor. Stan Lee made his cameo fairly early on and it was really funny. The movie follows Odin, Thor and Loki. It begins with a short narrative from Odin (Sir Anthony Hopkins) who relives an epic battle between his people and another race of "ice creatures". This of course is meant to simply catch us up for the actual film. If you intend to see it, I wouldn't be even 1 minute late because you will miss something! We see Thor and Loki as children for only a few minutes but it helps us see their initial characteristics develop. Fast forward to adulthood and we are at the Inaugural Ceremony in which Odin is "passing the torch" down to Thor but this ceremony is interrupted. Skipping ahead (no spoilers here), Thor being instigated by Loki decides to take action which Odin would never approve of and he along with a band of comrades visit another region. This visit causes a great disturbance and serious threats of war are the result. Odin, furious with Thor's impulsive nature and strong headed ways decides to banish him to Earth without his powers. He also sends behind the Hammer of Thor but with a magic spell... only the deserving with the certain inner attributes could remove the hammer from it's resting place (along the lines of the Sword in the Stone). The person who can remove it will possess the power of Thor.

Once Thor lands on Earth he is met by Natalie Portman who is a Scientist who studies Cosmic abnormalities such as planetary alignment, strange storms and unexplained phenomena. She and her two fellow workers run into, literally, Thor. Through a series of events which I won't go into she and Thor find themselves caring for one another a great deal. While this is going on Loki has been working his mischief and finds himself in a place of temporary power as Odin has fallen quite ill. He has some very nasty things in store for those around him but with somewhat understandable intentions. The story was great and there was just the right mix of CG and Live action that made this one of my favorite films so far this year! Stan Lee once again produced Big Screen Comic gold. There is a scene after the credits so STAY SEATED  and enjoy a song by the Foo's important.

I rate this film: 8.9 of 10!

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