Wednesday, August 3, 2011

DisneyNature: Crimson Wing

We recently rented DisneyNature: Crimson Wing. This is a documentary about the life, habits and struggle of Flamingo's. The shots were beautiful, much as the quality of Earth and Oceans by Disney. I cannot tell you who narrarated this one although the first two were narrarated by Pierce Brosnan and James Earl Jones. The lady narrarating this one had an English/British accent and (as comes with this) a strange way of pronouncing words which was annoying. I appreciated the beauty of this film but otherwise disliked it, especially near the end. I don't know why but in recent years Disney has taken to showing a lot of death in these documentaries. Yes, I am aware that it happens in the wild but showing it is (in my humble opinion) unnecessary. In Earth they showed a Polar Bear, starved and eventually dying. In Oceans, I can't really recall but again more death. If Disney feels this compulsion to drag me through this sick cycle then I'm just not going to continue watching these films! It's all happy one second and the next it's dramatic music and doom. These films are rated G but trust me, this is not for all ages at all! I would not allow kids under (and I'm being generous here) 7 watch these even with an adult. If I as an adult get so emotional about the death scenes then I cannot imagine what this could cause in a child. I can honestly say that I didn't learn much watching this and frankly, I wish I had passed on it. We watched it 5 days ago and I still think about the death scenes. Disney needs to find a way to educate without the visual aid regarding death. If you can deal with the raw nature of the film then you might enjoy it. It is visually stunning so for that alone, I am glad I watched it but in the end it wasn't worth it.

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