Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Source Code

We saw this film on opening weekend and really enjoyed it. It's Sci-Fi, Action and Mystery all wrapped up into one nice package. The trailers DID NOT do this film justice. In jist the film centers around an Army Captain (Gyllenhaal) who is in an undisclosed location. He is hooked into a machine run by the program "Source Code". This programs allows  a single individual to (not exactly time travel) but be displaced into another point in time for only 15 minutes. During his 15 minutes he must investigate, locate, disarm a a weapon and find the person responsible. Everytime he fails he must be sent back to start over again. It's a long process but the film was very well made and the acting was great. They used just the right amount of CG which I feel filmmakers tend to overdo these days.

I highly recommend this film to anyone looking for an intense, action packed filled evening. I rate this as:
7.5 of 10

Review by Marie

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