Friday, June 24, 2011

Green Lantern

I know, I'm late but here it is. Green Lantern has never been featured in a full length big screen film up until now! He has been ignored as far as superheroes go but with the popularity of comic to film made this possible. The film stars Ryan Reynolds as Hal Jordan aka Green Lantern. Hal is a star by rebel pilot for a flight testing company. He hails from a family of pilots, his father was one but died in front of Hal in a freak plane crash. Flying has been Hals entire life, well except for the enjoyment of women. He has an issue with responsibility and commitment so being a superhero is a major challenge. There is an ancient evil which gets released into the galaxy and begins the assault on the "Green Lanterns". One Lantern is injured but manages to escape. He crashes on Earth and sends his Lantern Ring to find his replacement and of course, it finds Hal. Hal quickly realizes that having this power is not all fun and games but comes with major responsibility, as do all super powers. He must find his way in life to find his way as a Lantern.

The film was quite good. Well made with top notch graphics. There was a TON of CG but most films do these days. The music is in the right places and the story runs smooth. There was no scene after the credits. The film was just at 2 hours long but worth every minute. I liked this film more than any other superhero film I've seen in the last 2 years. I recommend this film to basically everyone! There wasn't any sex and very little actual (graphic) violence. I agree with the rating of PG-13 but depending on the kid, you could probably get away with 11-ish. Great film for date night, movie night, ladies night or guys night out.

I rate this film 8.8 of 10!

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