Saturday, June 4, 2011

X-Men disappointment

We saw X-men First Class on Friday (opening day). We somewhat liked the film but mostly we were disappointed. There were far too many inconsistancies from the comics (and other films) in this one. The timelines don't add up and some character names were wrong. Granted we haven't read every comic from start until modern but we have read a lot of them. The film takes place at the time of the Cuban Missile Crisis (1960's) when Xavier was in his 20's. Most of the charaters are very young in this one and quite unaware of how to use their powers. Kevin Bacon plays Sebastian Shaw (which we are not familiar with as we didn't read those comics). Shaw is the comic bad guy who plans to start WWIII between Russia (Soviet Union) and the US. The mutants are brought into the CIA to help stop Shaw.

1)Emma Frost ( Played by January Jones) timeline- matches comics but because of her apperance in X-Men Origins: Wolverine would make her older in this movie then she was in Origins. Also, she was already aligned with the "evil" side when in fact she was at a point married to Professor X and later became leader of an X-Men allied Mutant force. None of this was involved in this film at all so it made no sense.

2)Character of "Angel Salvadore" (played by Zoƫ Kravitz ) In this film she was called "Angel", which we all know is a completely seperate character. Angel is actually Warren who is a white MALE with blond hair and HUGE white angel wings. It was confusing and we felt she would have been netter served to be the character "Pixie" because of how they choose to depict her. The "Angel" in this film was not appropriate as "Angel" as she was Ethnic, long black hair, tattooes that became her wings and reverted giving her a normal apperance. The character of "Angel Salvadore" didn't fit in this film as she was recruited by Wolverine many years after this film was supposed to take place and NOT by Erik and Xavier at this time. There was nothing to support the idea that she was working as an exotic dancer. This character shouldn't have been in this film. Period.

3)Alex Summers aka "Havok" (played by Lucas Till)- The younger brother of Scott Summers aka "Cyclops" (not seen in this film). This character would have never been in this timeframe seeing as Professor X recruits his brother almost 20 years later yet in this film Alex is a teenage mutant who was behind bars. From what we recall his mutant power was shooting yellow beams from his hands however, here his power was shooting red circles/disks from his chest. They even went as far as to create a mechanism that attaches to his chest which is used to help him concentrate his shooting at specific targets. This again, makes no sense if you know the comics.

4)Mystique/Raven (played by Jennifer Lawrence ) - It was fine to have her with Xavier from his childhood (which may not be accurate) but worked in the film. She was the right age when Xavier met Erik (Magneto). In general I felt her character was okay but one thing that bugged me was at a point in the film she attempts to seduce Erik and changes to (for only about 5 seconds) Rebecca Romane...this just seriously eerked me! Why and how would she turn to someone she wouldn't be portrayed by for another 20 years?!!? This was a stupid cop-out on the part of the filmmakers and it made me hate this entire scene.

5)Beast (played by Nicholas Hoult)- portrayed as a 15 year old chemical genius. Beast in fact was as old as Xavier, not 15 when they met. All in all his charater was good but this is just something we felt should be said.

6)Magneto (played by Michael Fassbender) - In this film the helmet (which eventually becomes his) was originally worn by Sebastian Shaw and I believe he said it was designed by the Russians. This is totally inaccurate as Magneto designed his helmet to be a counter from the Cerebro helmet. We have never seen anything that elaborates on anyone else being involved with the creation of his helmet.

It was somewhat disappointing that as Xavier scans for more mutants that he scans across Storm (as a young girl) but they don't touch on it at all. Also that Alex never mentioned (as they were recruiting additional mutants) that he had a powerful mutant brother. As they are recruiting they come across Wolverine and use the exact scene from Origins where they enter the bar, approach him and are given the Wolverine treatment in which he colorfully tells them to go away. They simply turn and walk away which is not something in the Xavier characteristics.

There were 2 characters that we are completely in the dark about: Darwin and Rip Tide. We know nothing about them so we cannot say for sure if they were accurately portrayed or not.

The CG in the film was good but the storyline was lacking for my taste. It was about 2 hours long and some of it could have certainly been removed and it would have made no difference. You may recognize the initial scene in this film as it was already used in X-Men (the first film). I had hoped to see more of the bigger players from the X-Men but am okay with the ones we got (except the timeline and messed up charater issues). It was slightly disappointing that they took Erik away so quickly to the "evil" side to start the Brotherhood because in the comics he worked with Xavier for many years before severing this alliance. It was given light in the first film where Xavier was asked how Magneto would know how to make a mentally blocking helmet and how he had knowledge of Cerebro at which Xavier replies "he helped me make it" which tells us they had worked side by side for a long time.

There IS NOT  an additional scene after the credits so DON'T BOTHER WASTING YOUR TIME!

We rate this film: 6.5 of 10

Recommended for date night, guys night out or adult viewing. THIS IS NOT A FILM FOR CHILDREN! THERE IS A LOT OF VIOLENCE AND GRAPHIC DEATHS (we saw several kids in our theater and it was annoying to hear them ask about everything). WE DO NOT RECOMMEND SEEING THIS FILM WITH COMIC NERDS AS YOU WILL WANT TO HARM THEM AS THEY SCOFF AND COMPLAIN AT EVERY OTHER SCENE... not pleasant.

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